

"Out of the many things I have learnt from him, the three most valuable ones are what has helped me survive my most difficult times." Fathers are our first super heroes. As the day to celebrate them dawns, here is a small tribute to the man who made me what I am ...


Dear Friends, Welcome to 2021 and congratulations for surviving 2020. The year of many challenges. The year that changed the world. Through this note, I choose to share with you my personal journey in the past one year. The beginning of 2020 clearly showed signs that the way ahead was not easy, however the ...


Let me start this blog with a rather sad, personal experience. Recently, one of my friends from a previous job fell seriously ill. His current organisation, the one he had joined just a couple of months back, had very little emotional connect with him and was unwilling to share ...


Of the many lessons life has taught me over the years, this must rank right up there with the best – If you have never tasted failure, you’ll never know the smell of success. Failure never discriminates. Sooner or later, it strikes everybody. Let’s face it, all of us have ...


Recently, I was invited to speak at a technology conference in Delhi. During one of the breaks, a curious, young participant walked up to me and asked me a question that triggered a chain of thoughts in my mind. He asked me, ‘sir, in your opinion how much longer do ...


5 years is not such a long time in the history of an organisation. But it is time enough for us at ESY to pause and take stock of our company’s achievements, hits and misses and most importantly our key learnings from this rich experience. Needless to say, we’ve had many ...


Life is all about setting goals. Goals define us, they give us clarity of vision. Goals keep us alive. So, what’s your goal for the year Two Thousand and Eighteen? Have you chosen a destination for yourself? Are you focussed on a single point to reach before the year ends? Are ...


In the last few years, the point-of-sale (POS) industry has gone from strength to strength. There was a time, not very long ago, when the acronym POS conjured up images of a retail store, a computer and a printer that gave customers a printout of the final payment to be ...